Technical Means for Radio Monitoring

Investigations - Design & Engineering - Manufacturing - Delivery - Maintenance

ARGAMAK-D11 (Model 4)

Two-Channel Digital Panoramic Radio Receiver

Used as central unit of ARC-D11 Multi-Functional System


ARGAMAK-D11 (Model 4)

ARGAMAK-D11 (Model 4)

Typical configuration:



Technical Specifications

Operating frequency range 0.009-8000 MHz
Number of receiving channels 2
Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) at antenna input with input resistance 50 Ohm 3 max.
Limits of signal level evaluation at antenna inputs: from 0 to 120 dBμV
Maximum allowable input voltage 130 dBµV
Sensitivity (with 3.125 kHz discreteness and 10 dB signal/noise ratio) 1 μV, max.
Non-switched input noise factor:
within 0.009 - 30 MHz range 15 dB, max.
within 20 - 3000 MHz range 12 - 15 dB
within 3000 - 8000 MHz range 16 dB, max.
Single-signal dynamic range, taking into account the gain control at resolution not exceeding 16 kHz (with a spectrum discreteness of 3.125 kHz) 110 dB, min
Intermodulation free dynamic range (3rd and 2nd order) at resolution not exceeding 16 kHz (with a spectrum discreteness of 3.125 kHz) 75 dB, min
Attenuation 0 - 30 dB, incr 1 dB
IF-output 70 MHz
IF-input 70 MHz
Max. simultaneous bandwidth (bandpass) at ±3.0 dB variation:
Within 0.009 - 5 MHz range 1 MHz, min.
Within 5 - 20 MHz range 2 MHz, min
Within 20 - 110 MHz range 5 MHz, min.
Within 110 - 220 MHz range 10 MHz, min
Within 220 - 8000 MHz range 24 MHz, min
Additional analog bandwidth 0.5 MHz
Receiver tuning resolution 1 Hz
Single-signal spurious, Image and IF rejection:
Within 0.009 - 3000 MHz range 70 dB, min
Within 3000 - 8000 MHz range 70 dB, min
Phase noise level of heterodyne when mistuning at 10 kHz
Within 0.009 - 30 MHz range -100 dBs/Hz, max.
Within 20 - 8000 MHz range -95 dBs/Hz, max.
Within 1000 - 3000 MHz range -85 dBs/Hz, max.
Within 3000 - 8000 MHz range -80 dBs/Hz, max.
Input IP2, attenuation off
Within 0.009 - 30 MHz range 30 dBmW min.
Within 20 - 3000 MHz range 40 dBmW min.
Within 3000 - 8000 MHz range 30 dBmW min.
Input IP3, attenuation off
Within 0.009 - 30 MHz range 0 dBmW min.
Within 20 - 3000 MHz range 0 dBmW min.
Within 3000 - 8000 MHz range 0 dBmW min.
Relative frequency instability of the built-in reference generator max. ±5×10-7
Typical retuning time 2000 µs
Parameters of external reference generator input:
Frequency 10 MHz; 12,8 MHz
Level 0±3 dBm
Demodulator bandwidth 250 kHz, 100 kHz, 50 kHz, 12 kHz, 6 kHz
Receiver sensitivity in AM mode 1.5 μV, max.
Receiver sensitivity in FM (narrow) mode 0.8 μV, max.
Demodulation types AM, FM, SSB, FT
Panorama spectrum analysis rate when scanning over 220 - 3000 MHz frequency range (with 12.5 kHz spectrum discreteness) 20 GHz/s, min
Minimum duration of single signal detected within simultaneous bandwidth (receiver tuning frequency doesn't change) 1 µs
Types of recorded data Spectrum, time, signal sampling (I/Q)
Continuous recording time Depends on the storage volume
Maximum I/Q bandwidth 40 MHz
Control and I/Q output interface Ethernet 1G
External equipment control interface RS-485
DC supply voltage 10 - 15 V
Voltage of AC power supply 90-250 V
Power consumption (with full charged batteries), max. 70 W
Continuous battery run-time 0.5 hour, min
Dimensions, max. 490×400×200 mm
Weight 12 kg, max.
Operating temperature range 0°C … +45°C
Relative humidity at 25°С max. 98%
Maximum altitude above-sea level 4500 m
Degree of protection with pluggable connectors connected IP52
Degree of protection when case closed IP65

Digital Radio Receivers