Mobile Measuring Radio Monitoring Station
- Search, detection, measurement of field strength and parameters of REE signals, direction finding, recording, technical analysis and classification of signals used in modern communication systems and data transfer system in HF, VHF, UHF and SHF ranges, as well as localization of their emitters.

ARGUMENT-I Station with antenna system concealed under radome
Typical configuration:
Direction finding workstation:
- ARTIKUL-M1 Automatic Mobile Direction Finder with dismountable or fixed antenna system under radio transparent radome and integrated navigation equipment (operating frequency range 20-3000 MHz, simultaneous bandwidth up to 5 MHz)
- Control and display unit with SMO-PPK, SMO-STA, SMO-ASPD Software Packages.
Measuring workstation:
- ARGAMAK-IS Panoramic Field Strength Meter designed for mobile application (frequency range 0.009-3000 MHz, max. simultaneous bandwidth 22 MHz, Certificate of Approval of Measuring Equipment Type No 47238, certified measuring procedure)
- Set of mast-mounted measuring antennas (operating frequency range 30 – 3000 MHz)
- ARC-A7A-3 Broadband Antenna for Installation on Vehicle
- Mast mounted ARC-UP2 Remote Controlled Antenna Rotator
- Control and display unit with SMO-PAI, SMO-STA, SMO-ASPD Software Packages.
Technical analysis workstation:
- ARGAMAK-CS Digital Panoramic Radio Receiver designed for mobile application
- Control and display unit with SMO-PA, SMO-STA, SMO-ASPD Software Packages.
Cartography workstation:
- Control and display module
- SMO-KN Software Package for mapping and navigation (Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015613830).
Common system equipment:
- Communication and data transmission equipment
- Mast or tripod to mount rotator with measuring antennae
- Power supply system with a back-up battery.
Mobile base:
- reequipped vehicle (Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Ford Transit, Volkswagen Caravelle, Toyota Land Cruiser, UAZ Patriot).

ARGUMENT-I Station with dismountable antenna system
- Integrated modules to extend operating frequency range of DF workstation (1.5 – 8000 MHz)
- Additional external mast-mounted direction finder for operation at stops
- ARC-PS330 Wideband Frequency Down-Converter (2.4 - 30 GHz) to extend the operating frequency range of measuring or technical analysis workstation
- EFSU External Field Sensor Unit (omni-directional measuring antenna)
- Measuring HF antennas (from 9 kHz) and SHF antennas (up to 18 GHz)
- ARC-RP3M Handheld Direction Finder (operating frequency range 0.3 - 18000 MHz
- ARC-IG Video facilities and software package for visualization of radio emission sources in spatially distributed locations
- SMO-BS Software Package for Automated Monitoring of Base Stations Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015662409
- SMO-BS 3GPP Software Package for Automated Monitoring of GSM, UMTS, LTE Base Stations Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2021681273
- SMO-BS DECT Software Package for Automated Monitoring of DECT Base Stations Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015662411
- SMO-BS TETRA Software Package for Automated Monitoring of TETRA Base Stations Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015662742
- SMO-BS CDMA/EVDO Software Package for Automated Monitoring of CDMA/EVDO Base Stations Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015662423
- SMO-BS TRUNK Customized Software for Automated Monitoring of DMR, dPMR, NXDN, APCO P25 Network. Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2016661912
- SMO-BS Wireless Customized Software for Automated Monitoring of short-range wireless networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee). Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2021669703
- SMO-CT Customized Software for Automated Monitoring of digital TV signals (DVB-T/T2/H, DTMB). Certificate of state registration of software packages No. 2015613938
- SMO-PVP Cross Talk Detection Software Package
- Laser Jet
- Refrigerator, microwave oven
Station provides for simultaneous performing of direction finding, measurement and technical analysis Configuration of mobile station can vary depending of the purposes. Local network of the Station provides for interchange of service data (including tasks and results of radio monitoring) between its workstations. Structural diagram of station in complete configuration is given below.

Structural diagram of ARGUMENT-I Station
- It meets the following ITU-R recommendations: SM.328, SM.377, SM.378, SM.443, SM 1047, SM 1050, SM.1139, SM 1268, SM 1370, SM 1392, SM 1537, SM 1600, SM 1682, SM 1836, SM 1837, SM 1838, SM 1840, SM 2039, SM 1880
- It meets the requirements of Unified Technical Policy (ETP) of RF Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications concerning mobile radio monitoring systems
- Standalone operation at stops and while moving
- Joint operation of several stations, including being a part of automated spectrum monitoring systems (ARMADA, AREAL, etc.)
- To prevent overloading of radio receiver;s digital path in complicated electromagnetic environment, digital radio receiver includes additional analogue receiving paths with 500 kHz bandwidth
Station provides:
- New rafio emitters search, measurement and comparison against the database
- Automatic position finding and e-mapping of emitters both in real time and in postprocessing mode.
- Panoramic spectrum analysis within the entire operating frequency range or within separate intervals under complex electromagnetic conditions, detection of its changes
- Recording radio environment within a specified frequency range. This procedure can function within a long period and is based on amplitude/frequency/bearing/time coordinates, unit location and the absolute time at the time of saving
- Databases maintenance.
- Single- and multi-channel direction finding of radio signals with any modulation types and spectrum width
- Automated monitoring of open radiophonic channel within specific range sections and/or fixed frequencies
- Recording and technical analysis of radio signals in real time mode and in postprocessing mode.
- Accumulation of data for further analysis in the postprocessing mode
- Station coordinate and course finding, display station path in the map both in real-time mode and postprocessing mode.
- Field strength measurement
- Presentation of emitters' location in spatially distributed objects (when ARC-IG is available)
- Localization of emitters based on signal level measurement in different points of route
- Verification of emitter parameters
- Interchange of tasks and data with other stations (when joint operation within a system)
- Creating and printout of reports
- Database management (back-up, recovery, filtering, etc.).

Cabin of station based on off-road vehicle (left picture) and micro bus / van (right picture)

Service compartment of station based on off-road vehicle (left picture) and micro bus / van (right picture)
Functions of Station Workstations
Direction finding workstation
Intended for single-channel and multi-channel direction finding of radio emission sources. Direction finding workstation allows also handling part of the tasks intended for other workstations in case they are not included in the Station. Direction finding workstation provides:
- Panoramic spectrum analysis within operating frequency range
- Search for emitters
- Single-channel and multi-channel direction finding of radio emission sources
- Radio environment recording within a specified frequency range based on amplitude/frequency/bearing/time coordinates
- Radio signal recording, parameter evaluation and technical analysis
- Automated monitoring of detected radio channels
- Data acquisition from the navigation equipment
- Collecting and processing of radio channel monitoring data.
Measuring workstation
Intended for measuring of signal parameters of radio emission sources Measuring workstation provides:
- Panoramic spectrum analysis within operating frequency range
- Search for emitters
- Radio signal recording, parameter measurement and technical analysis
- Field strength measurement
- Radio environment recording within a specified frequency range based on amplitude/frequency/time coordinates
- Automated monitoring of detected radio channels
- Automated direction finding of RES with amplitude method within the range 3-30 GHz (when ARC-PS330 is available)
- Check of frequency/time parameters and service information of base station of modern communication and data transmission systems GSM, UMTS, LTE, 5G, CDMA (IS-95, cdma2000, EV-DO), TETRA, DMR, dPMR, NXDN, APCO P25, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbeе
- Monitoring and measuring of digital TV signal parameters (DVB-T/T2/H, DTMB).
Measuring equipment can be ordered without verification certificate.
Technical analysis workstation
Intended for recording of signals, their technical analysis and classification, including uppon request from direction finding and measuring workstations. Technical analysis workstation provides:
- Panoramic spectrum analysis within operating frequency range
- Recording of radio signals
- Technical analysis of radio signals in real time and in postprocessing mode
- Recognition and classification of the radio signals
- Technical analysis with finding of basic time and frequency parameters of radio emissions
- Detailed technical analysis (parsing of complicated signal-code structures, and analysis of transferred data bitstreams)
- Digital streams structure/time analysis both in real time and in post-processing mode.
Cartography workstation
It ensures the following:
- Emitter position finding
- Showing bearings and emitters in electronic map
- Presentation of emitters' location in spatially distributed objects (when ARC-IG is available)
- Forming and maintenance of database of emitters in spatially distributed locations
- Showing current position and path of the Radio Monitoring Station.

SMO-KN Software Screenshot: localization of RES by standalone ARGUMENT-I Mobile Station
Number of the Station's components and workstations can vary depending on its purpose.
Technical specifications of the station are depend on the technical specifications of its components: ARTIKUL-M1, ARGAMAK-IS, ARGAMAK-CS, ARC-PS330.
Typical curves of RMS and DF sensitivity vs. frequency for direction finder of ARGUMENT-I Station are the same as curves given for ARTIKUL-M1 Mobile Direction Finder.